Safety data sheet knowledge base – Working process of the creation, translation of a safety data sheet
Creation of the content and format of the safety data sheet in accordance with the applicable EU and national legislation.
At this stage – if the safety data sheet is in a foreign language – we translate the text. Translation in most cases is not only a literal translation, but a translation that reflects the meaning. In most cases a specific terminology already exists in the target language for each specific sentence or phrase that must be applied in order to make the content of the safety data sheet clear to the reader.
Particular attention should be paid to the translation of the standardized parts of the text. In certain parts of the safety data sheet there are texts with fix wording which is given by a specific regulation. Under the rules of chemical safety, these special sentences may only be used in the form as provided by the relevant legislation. Perhaps the most common example is the wording of the H and P statements or the sentences applicable as the labelling elements. Of course, there are also other special texts in a safety data sheet.
For the reasons mentioned above, the translation process itself cannot lack a certain level of knowledge of the chemical safety legislation and some routine in the translation of safety data sheets.
In the SDS translation phase – in case of mixtures – the components are also checked. With the help of predefined hazardous substance lists, our colleagues check if the name of the ingredients are correct, whether the corresponding CAS and EU numbers are correct, and whether the indicated classification elements (hazard symbols and H statements) are appropriate.
Particular attention should also be paid to give the correct occupational exposure limit values. It should be checked – based on the appropriate legislation – whether an exposure limit value exists for the components listed in the safety data sheet, and if yes, then its value must be indicated in the appropriate section of the safety data sheet.
At first, our expert reviews the translated safety data sheet and checks if there was no data loss or any typo during the translation. During the safety data sheet translation, the multiple controls are essential.
Our expert then checks the classification of the substance/mixture on the basis of the existing data, and if necessary, makes changes, indicates the necessary hazard symbol(s), replaces or adds the necessary H and P sentences. In many cases, the specific label elements are missing from the safety data sheets, so special attention has to be paid to this part too.
Creating a logically correct safety data sheet, which is free from inconsistencies.
In our opinion, this is a very important step, because based on our experiences, there could be many problems that may arise from the contradictions in a safety data sheet (e.g.: the toxicological data in section 9 may not be in contradiction with the classification of the substance/mixture, etc.).
We deliver the finished safety data sheet in pdf format to our Clients.
We guarantee the professional quality, legal compliance and official acceptance of our safety data sheets only if it is used or printed in full.
Our safety data sheet creation service does not end with the delivery of the SDS.
We assist our Clients with the interpretation and usage of the safety data sheet, or we can help in defining the other necessary tasks regarding safety data sheets in general.
In case of an authority control, if the inspector raise objection to any part of the safety data sheet, our expert will contact the representative of the authority and clarify any arising questions.
If it is established that during the creation of the safety data sheet an administrative error a professional mistake has been made, we correct the safety data sheet free of charge.
If any of our Clients or any partner of our Clients suffered material injury (e.g. official fines, re-labelling, etc.) because of using a safety data sheet incorrectly created by our company, then we will fully reimburse it to our Client.